Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Wand Teaser

Monday, January 24, 2011
Lola has a winner..
First winner is Patty Benedict because Lola picked her name and she was very sure of herself:-)…. (see photos below) Also the Proprietor will probably have "Tabularius" somewhere in the name and that is Patty’s idea..
Second winner is Daydreamer (sorry not sure of your name) because I am going to use your idea … "Spellbinders".. Underneath the sign.. Probably… “Keeper of rare books and manuscripts”.. not sure yet. “Spellbinders” just seemed to click, but that is not to say I did not have a hard time making a decision:-)…
Third winner is Ewa of The Old Maid because I have made a decision to call my wizard tower “White Raven Tower” I liked the “white” because he is a good Wizard. He is holding a black raven now. but I may have that replaced or just have a white raven displayed in a special place in the tower. Not totally sure of his name yet. Maybe Zenith? After a distant grandfather of mine.. It kind of matches up with all the celestial instruments that will be in the castle too. I will try and post some photos of him soon.
So you three will have to email me with your decision of what kind of books you would like?
She is looking for the right one???
Found it!!
Wants her paper back:-)
With tooth marks as proof:-)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Help me chose a name for my book shop... open book giveaway..

Still trying to figure out a name for the shop.. thinking.. If I would choose a name it might give me inspiration and motivation to get working on it.. I would love to hear ideas out there from blogland.. This was actually Julia Jeffreys of www.bearcabinminiatures.blogspot.com idea. Thanks so much JuliaJ
Below are details about the shop and It’s keeper (who does not have a name either)..
This is not a Harry Potter themed shop. It will be filled to the brink with stacks of books,.. like “flourish and blots” But ..I want this book store to show off all the books, papers, and scrolls I make. The books will not be new.. They are rare and antiquated books and documents. And you may find magic or spell book too.. Kind of like the book store on “the never ending story” But an older shop.
Right now there are some of the candelabras, orreries, and telescopes I am selling displayed in the shop, but they are only temporary. In the end it will be books, books, books…
As you can see from the photos there are a lot of architectural details that may be worked into the name. There are gargoyles, dragons, skulls, and an owl carving in various places on the stonework.
The shop owner was made by my friend Todd Krueger. He is a fantastic doll with soooo much detail.. I tried to show some if it in the photos. He has tiny pearl buttons on his cuffs and a ring with a red stone. His face is so detailed and expressive. Hard to see in the photos but he has blue glass eyes and it is strange to say but I love his eyebrows.. Hehehe..
Fun part….. If you follow my blog (by clicking the “follow” button on the left side of the screen) and post and idea (or ideas) for the name of my shop or my Shop owner below I will enter you into a drawing. If your name is drawn I will make you a miniature 1/12th scale open book to your specifications. So the winner could choose the theme of the book and color of the leather binding.. If you have a lot of name ideas that is great but I will only enter your name once to the drawing. Otherwise I may have a mess on my hands. Heeheh!!
I will stop the entries on Sunday the 23rd. So that gives about 10 days for all the creative minds out there to start cranking..